Wednesday, September 4, 2019




  1. Replies
    1. My pleasure as always, V. You're half Italian? Which half?

    2. My mom's half so all 8 of us kids got the good homemade bread growing up and old Italian recipes from her mom whose family invented a fruit pallet back in the day in Chicago. My dad is 1/2 Scotch-Irish-English, 1/4 German and 1/4 French Voyageur...his grandparents parent was relocated to Australia as the locals in Perth liked him as a doctor from the RAF.

    3. Lots of little stuff mixed in but mostly half Irish, half Polish. All drunk!

    4. On my dad's 75th birthday a few years ago he told me we also could be part Viking as they and the Scot's overlorded the plantations back then. He laughed and said, 'The Vikings stopped their conquering finally when the Overlords met and started to fall in love with the Irish girls on the plantations! Ah hee hheeha ha (my new fast nervous Speedy Gonzales laugh) BTW my old town Minneapolis have one of the largest Polish immigrant presence in the "NordEast' part of downtown by the ole' Mississip'
