So this is a blog, eh?
I see all the crazy kids doing it nowadays so I figured I'd carve out my little chunk of cyber-space. I've got nothing much to say really, and very little desire to say it. But that's not gonna stop me from talking! No siree!! And if, one day, someone were to actually read this utter nonsense, well it'll be their own damn problem!
What I plan to do is to eventually upload a large portion of my somewhat vast music collection. The problem there is that I don't quite know how to do that yet. But I'll learn, I'll learn. That way I figure I can annoy your eyes AND ears.
The title 'Dr. Drunk Ruins It For Everyone' is basically lifted from the Drunks EP of nearly the same name. A great EP from a great band. And why am I called Dr. Drunk? Hell, I can't even remember. Nor should you care.
There. I've officially entered the world of Blogging. Perfect timing, really, since everyone has already moved on to Twitter.
5 bucks says no one but me ever reads this!